Americans Elect
Founded: April 6, 2010
Highest Office Won: None
Candidates Who Appeared on the General Election Ballot: None
The Americans Elect Party qualified for the ballot in California on December 19th, 2011 and lost ballot-qualified status on February 6th, 2015.
On May 17, 2012, Americans Elect announced that "As of this week, no candidate achieved the national support threshold required to enter the Americans Elect Online Convention in June. The primary process for the Americans Elect nomination has come to an end." Therefore, no Americans Elect nominee for President appeared on the June 2012 Primary ballot.
- Only one candidate from this party appeared on a partisan ballot in California; Alan Reynolds ran as an Americans Elect candidate for Lieutenant Governor in the 2014 Primary. Reynolds was not one of the top two candidates in that race (receiving 1.3% of the vote) and did not appear on the General Election ballot.
Dissolved: 2014