JoinCalifornia: Election History for the State of California

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President Carter Dies
Former President Jimmy Carter died on the morning of July 23rd.

Trump Injured in Shooting
Presidential candidate Donald Trump was injured in an assassination attempt at a campaign event in Pennsylvania on July 13th.

Vince Fong to Congress
In a special election held May 21st, Vince Fong was elected to Congress (filling the vacancy created by Kevin McCarthy's resignation).

Rest in Peace
Former Congressman Pete McCloskey (1927-2024) who served in Congress 1967-1983 died May 8th.

California 175
The One Voter Project will be celebrating the 175 years of California statehood. Stay tuned at!

Tweets by Alex Vassar

 Saturday, July 27, 2024

Thanks for visiting! For the past seventeen years, this has been the political history project that just wouldn't end. We work continually to both build a better  understanding of California's early political history as well as keeping up with recent elections and looking ahead to the future.

Our records currently include state legislative races since 1898 and statewide and federal offices back to 1849. As of today, our records include information about 14,670 candidates who ran in a total of 561 elections.

It's probably a good idea to keep in mind that records are really incomplete in the very earliest years (1850s-1860s), and this is all a work in progress. That being that, we always appreciate you letting us know if anything doesn't quite look right.

Alex and Shane
The One Voter Project


Elections and Other Happenings

 ● 101 days until the 2024 General Election (11/5)
     ● 19 days until the Peace and Freedom Convention
     ● 21 days until the Green Party Convention
     ● 26 days until the Democratic Convention

 ● 409 days until the 175th Anniversary of California Statehood (9/9)

 ● 704 days until the effective date for the Legislature Employer-Employee Relations Act (LEERA) (7/1/2026)

 ● 829 days until the 2026 General Election (11/3/2026)