JoinCalifornia: Election History for the State of California

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About JoinCalifornia

The One Voter Project began with, created by Alex Vassar in 2003 during the recall of Governor Davis. Since 2006, the site has covered partisan races statewide.

In 2004, the project expanded with the creation of, the largest online database for California legislator biographies and election results. The JoinCalifornia database currently contains more than thirteen thousand candidate biographies.

Together, the purpose of the One Voter Project websites is to educate policymakers and the public about the political history of the Golden State. Looking to the past gives us a reference point from which to view current events and reminds us that there is a precedent for almost everything.

It also reminds us that future generations will someday look back to us for similar perspective. As one California State Senator wrote in 1878;

"We die not all, for our deeds remain,
To crown with honor or mar with stain.
Through endless sequence of years to come,
Our lives shall speak, though our lips are dumb."

Alex Vassar

A native of Panama, Alex Vassar has worked at the municipal and state levels of government for the past twenty years. Since 2004, Alex has been the Editor of, which includes the web's largest database of California election results and candidate biographies. In 2007, he was selected to participate in the California Senate Fellows Program. Since then, Alex has worked for the City of San Jose, both houses of the California Legislature, and the State Board of Equalization. In 2017, he wrote California Lawmaker.

To contact Alex Vassar, email:

Shane Meyers

Shane Meyers is a native Californian who provides the encoding and programming backbone to the Election Volunteer site. An Electrical Engineering graduate of Cal Poly in San Luis Obispo, Meyers joined the Election Volunteer / JoinCalifornia team in early 2005 and helped facilitate the transition from a local website to a statewide resource.

Shane has been honored for his work on the ElectionVolunteer and JoinCalifornia websites with a Congressional Commendation from several Bay Area members of the California Delegation;
"Mr. Meyers deserves recognition today for the great interest he has shown in improving the lines of communication between the public and their representatives at both the state and federal levels. His efforts toward improving community political awareness are to be commended." - Congressman Sam Farr

To contact Shane Meyers, email: