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Dick Gregory

Peace and Freedom

Date Party Office Votes Result
11-05-1968 Freedom & Peace President 3230 Loss

Candidate Biography:

Richard Claxton Gregory
Born: October 12, 1932 in St. Louis, Missouri
Married: Lillian Smith
Children: Michele, Lynne, Pamela, Paula, Stephanie (aka Xenobia), Gregory, Christian, Miss, Ayanna and Yohance
Died: August 19, 2017 in Washington, DC

  • NOTE: "He ran for president in 1968 as a write-in candidate for the Freedom and Peace Party, a splinter group of the Peace and Freedom Party and received 1.5 million votes. Democratic candidate Hubert Humphrey lost the election to Republican Richard Nixon by 510,000 votes, and many believe Humphrey would have won had Gregory not run." -