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Steve Kubby


Picture of Steve Kubby
Date Party Office Votes Result
11-03-1998 Libertarian Governor 73854 Loss

Candidate Biography:

Steven Wynn Kubby
Born: December 28, 1946
Married: Michele Renee Kubby
Children: Brooke Kona Kubby & Crystal Bay Kubby
Died: November 20, 2022 in South Lake Tahoe, CA

1996: Political Consultant and Fundraiser, Proposition 215 [Medical Marijuana] Campaign
1999-2006: Director, American Medical Marijuana Association
2008: [Libertarian] Primary Candidate for President (Lost)
2010: Candidate for South Lake Tahoe City Council (Lost; 10.7%)
2011: Proponent, Initiative 1490 [Marijuana Legalization. Initiative Statute.] (Failed to Qualify)
2011: Proponent, Initiative 1516 [Marijuana Legalization. Initiative Statute.] (Failed to Qualify)

  • Legal Troubles: "Kubby fled to Canada with his family in an effort to avoid incarceration after a 2000 [misdemeanor] conviction in Placer County on charges of possession of mescaline and psilocybin." Source: