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Leon E. Panetta


Picture of Leon E. Panetta
Date Party Office Votes Result
11-02-1976 Democratic CD-16 104545 Win
11-07-1978 Democratic CD-16 104550 Win
11-04-1980 Democratic CD-16 158360 Win
11-02-1982 Democratic CD-16 142630 Win
11-06-1984 Democratic CD-16 153377 Win
11-04-1986 Democratic CD-16 128151 Win
11-08-1988 Democratic CD-16 177542 Win
11-06-1990 Democratic CD-16 134236 Win
11-03-1992 Democratic CD-17 151565 Win

Candidate Biography:

Born: June 28, 1938 in Monterey, CA
Married: Sylvia Marie Varni
Children: Christopher, Carmelo, and James

1966-1969: Legislative Assistant, US Senator Thomas Kuchel
1969: Assistant to Secretary Robert Finch, US Department of Health, Education, and Welfare
1969-1970: Director, Office of Civil Rights, US Department of Health, Education, and Welfare
1970-1971: Executive Assistant, New York City Mayor John V. Lindsay
1993: Resigned from the United States House of Representatives on January 21.
1993-1994: Director, Office of Management of the Budget
1994-1997: Chief of Staff, President Bill Clinton
1998-2009: Director, Leon & Sylvia Panetta Institute for Public Policy
2004-2009: Trustee, Junior Statesmen Foundation
2007-2009: Member, Public Policy Institute of California (PPIC) Board of Directors
2006: Member, Iraq Study Group
200?-2009: Co-Chair, California Forward
2009-2011: Director, Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)
2011-2013: U.S. Secretary of Defense

  • HE KILLED BIN LADEN: Because Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC) forces may not legally operate in Pakistan, the military team that killed Osama bin Laden in Abbotabad, Pakisan on May 2, 2011 was temporarily placed under the command of Panetta for the duration of the operation.
  • Sylvia Panetta was a 2007 Woman of the Year (Selected by Senator Abel Maldonado)
  • Panetta was a 2024 Inductee to the California Hall of Fame.

Source: "AP sources: Panetta to Pentagon, Petraeus to CIA" by Anne Gearan and Kimberly Dozier, Associated Press (4/27/2011)