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Al Gore


Picture of Al Gore
Library of Congress
Date Party Office Votes Result
11-07-2000 Democratic President 5861203 Win

Candidate Biography:

Albert Arnold Gore, Jr.
Born: March 31, 1948 in Washington, DC.
Married: Mary Elizabeth Aitcheson (Tipper Gore)
Children: Karenna, Kristin, Sarah, and Al Gore III
Family: Son of US Senator Albert A. Gore, Sr. [US Senator; Tennessee (1953-1970)]
Military Service: Army (Vietnam)

1977-1985: Member, United States House of Representatives [Tennessee]
1985-1993: Member, United States Senate  [Tennessee]
1988: Primary Candidate for President (Lost; 1.8%)
1993-2001: Vice President of the United States
2006: Narrator, An Inconvenient Truth (movie)
2007: An Inconvenient Truth won the 2006 Academy Award for Documentary Feature

  • AWARD: Nobel Peace Prize (2007)
  • AWARD: Presidential Medal of Freedom (2024)