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T. J. Cox


Picture of T. J. Cox
Date Party Office Votes Result
11-07-2006 Democratic CD-19 71748 Loss
11-06-2018 Democratic CD-21 57239 Win
11-03-2020 Democratic CD-21 84406 Loss

Candidate Biography:

Born: July 18, 1963 in Walnut Creek, CA
Married: Dr. Kathy Murphy
Children: Four

  • CLOSE CONTEST: By the Friday following the 2018 General Election, Valadao led Cox by 5378. Just days later, on November 11th, Valadao's lead was down to 1826 before suring back to 2444 by November 13th. On November 26th, nearly three weeks after the election, Cox took the lead for the first time, ahead by 436 votes.
  • LEGAL TROUBLES: In August 2022, the US Department of Justice charged Cox with 15 counts of wire fraud, 11 counts of money laundering, one count of financial institution fraud, and one count of campaign contribution fraud for activities that took place between 2013 and 2018. In May 2024, Cox requested a change of plea hearing for July in order to accept a plea detail.