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Anthony Caminetti


Picture of Anthony Caminetti
CA Secretary of State
Date Party Office Votes Result
11-07-1882 Democratic AD-16 0 Win
11-04-1884 Democratic SD-14 0 Win
11-04-1890 Democratic CD-02 18644 Win
11-08-1892 Democratic CD-02 20741 Win
11-06-1894 Democratic CD-02 15732 Loss
11-03-1896 Democratic AD-15 0 Win
11-08-1898 Democratic AD-15 1462 Win
11-08-1904 Democratic CD-01 15706 Loss
11-06-1906 Democratic SD-10 3877 Win
11-08-1910 Democratic SD-10 3763 Win

Candidate Biography:

Born: July 30, 1854 in Jackson, CA
Married: Ella Martin
Children: Farley Drew and John B.
Died: November 17, 1923 in Jackson, CA

1877-1882: District Attorney, Amador County
1880: Alternate Elector, Winfield S. Hancock for President
1887: Commissioner, Marshall Monument
1896: Delegate, Democratic National Convention
1897: Candidate for Assembly Speaker (Lost; 31 to 43)
1897-1899: Member, California State Code Commission
1911: Minority Leader, California State Senate
1911: Author, Proposition 2 (Establishing county 'home rule' rights vs. California)
1913-1921: U.S. Commissioner of Immigration

  • QUOTABLE: (Regarding a bill to require bars to be closed between 1 AM and 5 AM: "Don't you think, Senator Finn, that the people of San Francisco can drink enough whisky in the remaining twenty hours to keep up her record for lasciviousness?"
  • LEGISLATION: Author of SB 816 (1907) which would "declare the holding of a caucus unlawful; provide for the calling and assembling of a free caucus by a member of certain legisaltive bodies in the State of California", and declare violations of these provisions a misdemeanor.
  • SCOTUS: Farley Drew Caminetti was a party in the case "Caminetti v. United States" (1916) after Farley and Maury Diggs left their wives in Sacramento and took their mistresses to Reno. Caminetti was changed with, and convicted of, violating the Mann Act.


Source: California Blue Book (1909), (1911)
Source: "Biographical Directory of the United States Congress, 1774-Present" (U.S. Library of Congress) []
Source: Story of the California Legislature of 1911 by Franklin Hichborn (1911; San Francisco; James H. Barry Co.)

  • Anthony Caminetti Jr. was California's appointed Insurance Commissioner (1939-1943) .