John P. West
Date | Party | Office | Votes | Result |
09-03-1879 | Workingmen | SD-02 | 0 | Win |
Website: | |
Candidate Biography:
John Patterson West
Born: February 9, 1825 in Ireland
Childre: Wilbur and Willis
Military Service: ARMY (Civil War)
Died: June 12, 1892 in California
Previous: Assemblyman, Iowa State Legislature
1879: Delegate, Second Constitutional Convention (Sacramento)
- LEGISLATION: Author of SB 187 (Chapter 77, Stats of 1881) which created the "Branch State Normal School of California" in Los Angeles. Later legislation by Assemblyman Alexander Fleming (AB 626 of 1919) abolished the State Normal School at Los Angeles and created Southern Branch of the University of California. The Southern Branch was, in turn, renamed the University of California at Los Angeles by the UC Regents in 1927.
Source: "The Coming Legislature" Sacramento Daily Record-Union, January 05, 1880, Page 2