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Frank Soule


Date Party Office Votes Result
09-03-1851 Whig SD-06 0 Win

Candidate Biography:

Born: 1809 in Freeport, Maine
Married (twice)
Children: Three sons
Died: July 3, 1882 in San Francisco, CA

1850-1854: Staff, Alta California [newspaper]
1859: Pall Bearer, Funeral of US Senator David C. Broderick
1860s: Collector [First District of California], U.S. Internal Revenue Service

  • Soule organized the Military Department at Berkeley and was commandant of the cadets.
  • PLACENAME: Frank Soule Road is located on the UC Berkeley campus.

Source: History of Political Conventions in California, 1849-1892 by Winfield J. Davis (1893)
Source: The Centennial of The University of California, 1868-1968
Source: "FRANK SOULE. Death of the Veteran Journalist and Pioneer" [San Francisco Chronicle 4th.], Los Angeles Herald, Volume XVII, Number 115, 6 July 1882