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Gavin Newsom


Picture of Gavin Newsom
Date Party Office Votes Result
11-02-2010 Democratic Lieutenant Governor 4918158 Win
11-04-2014 Democratic Lieutenant Governor 4107051 Win
11-06-2018 Democratic Governor 7721410 Win
11-08-2022 Democratic Governor 6470099 Win

Candidate Biography:

Gavin Christopher Newsom
Born: October 10, 1967 in San Francisco, CA
Married: Kimberly Guilfoyle (m. 2001, div. 2006), Jennifer Siebel (m. 2008)
Child: Montana Tessa Siebel Newsom, Hunter Siebel Newsom, Brooklynn, and Dutch William Siebel Newsom
Family: Son of William A. Newsom

1995: Volunteer, Willie Brown for Mayor campaign
1996-1997: Member, San Francisco's Parking and Traffic Commission
1997-2004: Member, San Francisco County Board of Supervisors
2004-2011: Mayor, City of San Francisco
2010: Early Primary Candidate for Governor (Withdrew)
2012: Delegate, Democratic National Convention
2016: Delegate, Democratic National Convention
2021: Recall Election of Governor Newsom (Recall Failed; 38.1%)
2023-2024: ["no interest" in being a] Primary Candidate for President (Pending)

  • Appointments: As Governor, Newsom made an almost unprecedented number of appointments to statewide office including both US Senate seats (in 2021 and 2023), the Attorney General, and the Secretary of State.
  • During the 2024 Presidential elections, there was considerable speculation that Newsom might be a candidate for President if Joe Biden declined to seek the nomination.
  • TIMING: After being elected Lt. Governor in late 2010, Newsom remained in office as San Francisco Mayor until early January, past the start of his term as Lieutenant Governor, in order to be involved in the selection of San Francisco's new Mayor. 
  • Small Screen: Newsom was the host of a TV show, "The Gavin Newsom Show" from May 2012 to January 2013. The show aired on Current TV, a cable channel co-founded by Al Gore.
  • Newsom's fourth child, Dutch, was named for Dutch Flat, where Newsom spent much of his childhood. Dutch Flat was named for Charles Dornbach, whose camp was originally known as "Dutch Charlie's Flat."
  • Interesting: Newsom's second gubernatorial inauguration (in 2023) was formally titled "California Republic Inauguration"
  • In 2019, Newsom was the target of two attempted recalls led by Erin Cruz and another by James Veltmeyer. The recalls failed to qualify for the ballot. In 2020, Newsom was the target of two attempted recalls led by Orrin E. Heatlie and another by Carla Canada. One of the recalls led by Heatlie and the one by Canada failed to qualify for the ballot. The second recall by Heatlie qualified for the ballot and the election was held in September 2021 but failed (33% in favor; 67% opposed). Another recall attempt (filed by Anne Dunsmore in 2024) failed to qualify in August 2024.
  • Supreme Court Decision: In December 2020, several months into the 2020-2021 COVID-19 Pandemic, the South Bay United Pentecostal Church in Chula Vista sued Governor Newsom over the public health orders issued by the state, particularly on the state's total prohibition on indoor worship services. It was argued that restaurants and other businesses were permitted to continue operating with limited capacity while religious services were prohibited entirely, violating the Constitution’s protection of the free exercise of religion. In February 2021, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that "regulations like these violate the First Amendment unless the State can show they are the least restrictive means of achieving a compelling government interest." (South Bay United Pentecostal Church v. Newsom, 20-55533)
  • Supreme Court Decision: In April 2021, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that California may not enforce COVID-related restrictions that have limited home-based religious worship, arguing that "[w]here the government permits other activities to proceed with precautions, it must show that the religious exercise at issue is more dangerous than those activities even when the same precautions are applied." (Ritesh Tandon, et al. v. Gavin Newsom, 21-15228)
  • LEGISLATION: Sponsor of SJR 7 (Res. Chapt. 175, Stats of 2023) by Senator Aisha Wahab, which would request the United States Congress to call a constitutional convention for the purpose of proposing a constitutional amendment which would; require universal background checks as a prerequisite to purchase or acquire a firearm, prohibit sales, loans, or other transfers of firearms to those under 21 years of age (with limited exceptions), establish a minimum waiting period between the purchase and delivery of a firearm, and prohibit the private possession of assault weapons and other weapons of war.

Source: "Newsom's latest exit date: Jan. 10" by John Coté, San Francisco Chronicle (1/1/2011)
Source: "Calif. Lt. Gov. Gavin Newsom gets Current TV gig" by Lisa Leff, Associated Press (4/18/2012)