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David Chiu


Picture of David Chiu
Date Party Office Votes Result
11-04-2014 Democratic AD-17 63041 Win
11-08-2016 Democratic AD-17 172153 Win
11-06-2018 Democratic AD-17 140381 Win
11-03-2020 Democratic AD-17 190731 Win

Candidate Biography:

Born: April 2, 1970 in Cleveland, Ohio
Married: Candace Chen (m. 2013)
Child: Lucas

1990s: Democratic Counsel, U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee’s Constitution Subcommittee
1990s: Aide, U.S. Senator Paul Simon
1990s: Prosecutor, San Francisco District Attorney’s office
2009-2014: Member, San Francisco Board of Supervisors
2011: Candidate for Mayor of San Francisco (Lost; 14.5%)
2021: Resigned from the State Assembly on October 31
2021-Present: City Attorney, City of San Francisco

  • Supreme Court Decision: In June 2018, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that a law authored by David Chiu and Autumn Burke, AB 775 (2015), was unconstitutional. The law, which required crisis  pregnancy  centers to inform all clients that California provides free or low-cost services, including abortions, and give them a phone number to call, was found to "unduly burdens protected speech." (National Institute of Family and Life Advocates v. Becerra, 16–1140)
  • LEGISLATION: Author of AB 1845 (2020) with Luz Rivas, which would create, within the Governor’s office, the Governor’s Office to End Homelessness, which would be administered by the Secretary on Housing Insecurity and Homelessness appointed by the Governor. (Vetoed)
  • CLOSE CONTEST: Chiu narrowly won the 2014 General election when he defeated David Campos by 2,625 votes (2.2%)
  • LEGISLATION: Author of AB 1482 (2019) which would, among other provisions, limit annual rent increases statewide over the decade beginning January 2020 to 5% plus inflation, and retroactively limits rent increases imposed from March 2019 onward. (Chapt. 597, Stats of 2019)