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Russ Bogh


Picture of Russ Bogh
Date Party Office Votes Result
04-03-2001 Republican AD-65 17792 Win
11-05-2002 Republican AD-65 56598 Win
11-02-2004 Republican AD-65 93676 Win

Candidate Biography:

Russell Vincent Bogh
Born: June 21, 1969 in San Bernardino, CA
Married: Sheri
Children: Madison, Charlie, and Katie

1996: District Staff, Assemblyman Ted Weggeland
1997-1998: Director, Inland Empire Office of Governor Pete Wilson
2000: Primary Candidate for AD-65 (Lost; 37.3%)
2004-2006: Minority Caucus Chair, California State Assembly
2008: Member, Romney For President California Leadership Team
2008: Primary Candidate for SD-37 (Lost; 32.1%)
2010: Primary Special Election Candidate for SD-37 (Lost; 21.9%)

  • PRIMARY WINNERS: An interesting note is that neither of the candidates who Bogh has lost a partisan primary to have gone on to serve more than a year in office.
    2000: The candidate who beat Bogh in 2000, Jan Leja, went on to win an Assembly seat but wasn't allowed to take office as part of a plea deal relating to her failure to report some campaign contributions. Bogh ran in the resulting Special Election and won.
    2008: The candidate who beat Bogh in 2008, John J. Benoit, went on to win a Senate seat but served less than a year before Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger appointed him to a vacancy on the Riverside County Board of Supervisors. Bogh was a candidate in the resulting Special Election, but lost.