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H. C. Nelson


Picture of H. C. Nelson
CA Blue Book
Date Party Office Votes Result
11-05-1912 Republican AD-02 3715 Win
11-02-1920 Republican SD-01 8482 Win
11-04-1924 Republican SD-01 11249 Win
11-06-1928 Republican SD-01 13818 Win

Candidate Biography:

Hans Christian Nelson
Born: October 25, 1886 in Denmark
Married: Esther Jones (m. 1913)
Children: Two daughters
Died: May 29, 1939 in San Francisco, CA

1914-1921: Deputy District Attorney, Humboldt County

  • FATHER OF THE CODE: Herbert C. Jones, Nelson, and George W. Rochester authored SB 18 (1931), which established the California Probate Code.
  • An incumbent who lost their party primary (in 1932).

Source: California Blue Book (1911), (1928), (1932)