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Albert W. Carlson


Date Party Office Votes Result
11-07-1916 Republican AD-50 3040 Win

Candidate Biography:

Born: ~1890
Married: Dora E. (m. 1917)
Child: Albert W. "Jim" Jr. and Ronald K.
University: University of Southern California (Law; 1914)
Died: October 28, 1958 in Fort Worth, TX

1915: Attache, Assemblyman Lorenzo D. Scott
1958: A statewide search began for Carlson (age 69) 

  • Represented Fresno
  • In college, Carlson was active in the USC College of Law Glee Club and was a second tenor known as "the San Joaquin valley nightingale"
  • On September 2nd, 1958, Carlson moved out of the home he shared with his wife of 40+ years and into a hotel. He was last seen at work on September 8th, and was last seen on September 19th. Dora was reported Albert missing on October 10th. He was found dead in a room at the Texas Hotel in Forth Worth, with tickets indicating that he had recently traveled to Barstow, Wichita, Tacoma, Denver, Galveston, and Lovington (NM).
  • Daniel Hunt (Twitter: @edit4life) was the one who was able to find the news articles untangling the final months of Carlson's life.


Source: "Prominent Fresno Attorney is Hunted" San Bernardino Sun, Volume 65, 11 October 1958
Source: "USC Glee Club to be heard at YMCA" Los Angeles Herald, Volume XL, Number 81, 4 February 1914