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H. Dewey Anderson


Date Party Office Votes Result
11-06-1934 Republican AD-30 16540 Win
06-05-1946 Nonpartisan Superintendent of Public Instruction 531460 Loss

Candidate Biography:

Hobson Dewey Anderson
Born: January 14, 1897 in Grand Forks, ND
Married: Erma Sans Anderson, Shirley W. Charles (m. 1970)
Children: H. Daneel and H. June
Died: August 4, 1975 in Redwood City, CA

1938: Budget Director, State of California
1939: Administrator, California State [Unemployment] Relief Administration
1941: Executive Secretary, U.S. Department of Commerce
1945: Counsel, U.S. Senate Committee on Small Businesses
1945-1960s: Founder and Executive Director, Public Affairs Institute
1949: Member, Citizens Committee for the Hoover Report [Federal Reorganization] (resigned 12/16/1949)
1952: Primary Candidate for U.S. Senate (Lost)
1954: Primary Candidate for U.S. Senate (Lost)

  • PUBLISHED: As a Stanford Professor, Anderson wrote a book for use in his classes. California State Government (Stanford University Press, 1942)
  • QUOTABLE: "There are two absolute essentials to be sought in the prospective legislator. One is intellectual honesty, or a willingness to legislate in terms of the facts rather than in terms of blind bias, emotional prejudice, or previous commitments. The other is uncompromising honesty of character which will spurn any connection with shady practices or shady persons." Source: California State Government
  • QUOTABLE: "Until a widespread interest is shown in politics, and the voting public demands that elections take prace in terms of fundamental issues and not on the basis of hoodwinking the public, elections will be filled with deception and victory will go with surprising regularity to those candidates whose political campaigns are planned the most slyly and whose coffers are most amply filled with the means of buying political support and paying for publicity." Source: California State Government

Source: California State Government by Dewey Anderson (Stanford University Press, 1942)