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John C. Wolfskill


Date Party Office Votes Result
11-07-1882 Democratic SD-01 0 Win
11-04-1890 Democratic AD-27 0 Win
11-06-1900 Democratic AD-74 2 Loss

Candidate Biography:

Born: 1843 in Howard County, Missouri
Child: One
Died: December 14, 1913 in Pasadena, CA

1872: Delegate, Democratic National Convention

  • His obituary puts his age in 1913 at 77, which would have meant he was born around 1836, but he self-reported a birthyear of 1843 when he was elected to the legislature.

Source: "Some Public Men". The Sunday Union (Sacramento), 2/8/1891. Page 7.
Source: "John Wolfskill Dies in Pasadena" Napa Weekly Journal, Volume 30, Number 38, 19 December 1913